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Nullsoft WASABI Source File License
Copyright 1999-2001 Nullsoft, Inc.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Brennan Underwood
#ifndef _PTRLIST_H
#define _PTRLIST_H
#include "std.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "../studio/assert.h"
a generic pointer list template. only takes up 12 bytes when empty. auto-grows
the array as necessary, NEVER shrinks it unless you removeAll() or equivalent
Use, PtrList<typename>, never PtrListRoot
#define POS_LAST -1
// 1k each, leaving 16 bytes for MALLOC overhead
// base class, to share as much code as possible
class COMEXP NOVTABLE PtrListRoot {
PtrListRoot(int initial_size=0);
void copyFrom(const PtrListRoot *from);
void setMinimumSize(int nslots); // expand to at least this many slots
int getNumItems() const { return nitems; };
void *enumItem(int n) const;
void moveItem(int from, int to);
int removeItem(void *item);
void removeEveryItem(void *item);
void removeByPos(int pos);
void removeLastItem();
void removeAll();
void freeAll();
// gross-ass linear search to find index of item
// note that PtrListSorted provides a binary search version
int searchItem(void *item) const;
#if 0//fuct
// speedy binary search. although it'll be fuct if it's not sorted right
int bsearchItem(void *item) const;
void *addItem(void *item, int pos, int inc);
void **getItemList() const; // try to avoid!
int nitems, nslots;
void **items;
// now we add the methods that refer specifically to the pointer type
template<class T>
class PtrList : private PtrListRoot {
PtrList(int initial_size=0) : PtrListRoot(initial_size) {}
PtrList(const PtrList<T> &r) {
~PtrList() {}
// copy another PtrList
void copyFrom(const PtrList<T> *from) { PtrListRoot::copyFrom(from); }
// adding
// expand freelist to at least this many slots, even if 0 items in list
void setMinimumSize(int nslots) { PtrListRoot::setMinimumSize(nslots); }
// provide a public addItem for the pointer type
T *addItem(const T *item, int pos=POS_LAST, int inc=DEF_PTRLIST_INCREMENT) {
return static_cast<T *>(PtrListRoot::addItem(const_cast<T*>(item), pos, inc));
// enumerating
// returns # of items in list
int getNumItems() const { return PtrListRoot::getNumItems(); }
// basic list enumerator. returns NULL for out of bounds
T *enumItem(int n) const {
return static_cast<T *>(PtrListRoot::enumItem(n));
T *operator[](int n) const { return enumItem(n); }
// this will safely return NULL if 0 items due to enumItems's boundscheck
T *getFirst() const { return enumItem(0); }
T *getLast() const { return enumItem(getNumItems()-1); }
// gross-ass linear search to find index of item
// note that PtrListSorted provides a binary search version
int searchItem(T *item) const { return PtrListRoot::searchItem(item); }
int haveItem(T *item) const { return searchItem(item) >= 0; }
// deleteing
// removes first instance of a pointer in list, returns how many are left
int removeItem(T *item) { return PtrListRoot::removeItem(item); }
int delItem(T *item) { return removeItem(item); }
// removes all instances of this pointer
void removeEveryItem(void *item) { PtrListRoot::removeEveryItem(item); }
// removes pointer at specified position regardless of value
void removeByPos(int pos) { PtrListRoot::removeByPos(pos); }
void delByPos(int pos) { removeByPos(pos); }
// removes last item
void removeLastItem() { PtrListRoot::removeLastItem(); }
// removes all entries, also deletes memory space
void removeAll() { PtrListRoot::removeAll(); }
// removes all entries, calling FREE on the pointers
void freeAll() { PtrListRoot::freeAll(); }
// removes all entries, calling delete on the pointers
void deleteAll() {
int i, nitems = getNumItems();
for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
delete enumItem(i);
// removes all entries, calling delete on the pointers
// FG>this version removes each entry as it deletes it so if
// one of the object uses this list in its destructor, it will
// still work. It is MUCH slower than deleteAll tho.
void deleteAllSafe() {
//CUT ASSERT(!(nitems != 0 && items == NULL));
while (getNumItems()) {
T *i = enumItem(0);
delete i;
void moveItem(int from, int to) { PtrListRoot::moveItem(from, to); }
T **getItemList() {
return reinterpret_cast<T **>(PtrListRoot::getItemList());
class NotSorted {
// comparator for searching -- override
static int compareAttrib(const char *attrib, void *item) { return 0; }
// comparator for sorting -- override , -1 p1 < p2, 0 eq, 1 p1 > p2
static int compareItem(void *p1, void* p2) { return 0; }
//template <class T, class C> class NoSort {
// static void _sort(T **, int) {}
// a base class to sort the pointers
// you must implement the comparisons (C) and the sort algorithm (S)
template< class T, class C, class S >
class PtrListSorted : public PtrList<T> {
PtrListSorted(int initial_size=0) : PtrList<T>(initial_size) {
need_sorting = 0;
auto_sort = 1;
void copyFrom(const PtrList<T> *from) {
need_sorting = 1;
if (auto_sort) sort();
T *addItem(T *item, int pos=POS_LAST, int inc=DEF_PTRLIST_INCREMENT) {
need_sorting = 1;
return PtrList<T>::addItem(item, pos, inc);
void sort(BOOL force_sort=FALSE) {
if (need_sorting || force_sort)
S::_sort(PtrList<T>::getItemList(), getNumItems());
need_sorting = 0;
T *enumItem(int n) { // NOT const since we might call sort()
if (auto_sort) sort();
return PtrList<T>::enumItem(n);
T *operator[](int n) { return PtrListSorted<T,C,S>::enumItem(n); }
T *findItem(const char *attrib, int *pos=NULL) {
ASSERTPR(!(!auto_sort && need_sorting), "must call sort() first if auto-sorting is disabled");
#if 1 // do binary search
if (getNumItems() == 0) return NULL;
int bot = 0, top = getNumItems()-1, mid;
for (int c = 0; c < getNumItems()+1; c++) {
if (bot > top) return NULL;
mid = (bot + top) / 2;
int r = C::compareAttrib(attrib, getItemList()[mid]);
if (r == 0) {
if (pos != NULL) *pos = mid;
return getItemList()[mid];
if (r < 0) {
top = mid-1;
} else {
bot = mid+1;
ASSERTPR(0, "binary search fucked up");
// re-enable this in case of fuckup
for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
if (C::compareAttrib(attrib, static_cast<T *>(items[i])) == 0) return static_cast<T *>items[i];
return NULL;
T *findItem(T *attrib, int *pos=NULL) {
return findItem((const char *)attrib, pos);
#if 0
// replace search with binary search
int searchItem(T *item) const {
ASSERTPR(!(!auto_sort && need_sorting), "must call sort() first if auto-sorting is disabled");
return bsearchItem(item);
void setAutoSort(int as) {
auto_sort = as;
int getAutoSort() const {
return auto_sort;
void removeDups() {
ASSERTPR(!(!auto_sort && need_sorting), "must call sort() first if auto-sorting is disabled");
for (int i = 1; i < getNumItems(); i++) {
if (C::compareItem(enumItem(i-1), enumItem(i)) == 0) {
int need_sorting;
int auto_sort;
// quicksort -- you still need to override the compare fns
template<class T, class C>
class QuickSorted {
static void _sort(T **items, int nitems) {
if (items == NULL || nitems <= 1) return;
Qsort(items, 0, nitems-1);
static void swapItem(T **items, int a, int b) { // no bounds checking!
T *tmp = items[a];
items[a] = items[b];
items[b] = tmp;
static void Qsort(T **items, int lo0, int hi0) {
int lo = lo0, hi = hi0;
if (hi0 > lo0) {
T *mid = items[(lo0 + hi0) / 2];
while (lo <= hi) {
while ((lo < hi0) && (C::compareItem(items[lo], mid) < 0)) lo++;
while ((hi > lo0) && (C::compareItem(items[hi], mid) > 0)) hi--;
if (lo <= hi) {
swapItem(items, lo, hi);
if (lo0 < hi) Qsort(items, lo0, hi);
if (lo < hi0) Qsort(items, lo, hi0);
// easy way to specify quicksorting, just data type and comparison class
template <class T, class C> class PtrListQuickSorted : public PtrListSorted<T, C, QuickSorted<T, C> > {
PtrListQuickSorted(int initial_size=0) : PtrListSorted<T, C, QuickSorted<T, C> >(initial_size) {}
// easy way to get a list sorted by pointer val
class SortByPtrVal {
static int compareItem(void *p1, void *p2) {
return CMP3(p1, p2);
static int compareAttrib(const char *attrib, void *item) {
return CMP3((void *)attrib, item);
template <class T> class PtrListQuickSortedByPtrVal : public PtrListQuickSorted<T, SortByPtrVal > {};